Annual General Meetings Notes 

  • 6 Dec 2023 17:15 | Teresa Stuart (Administrator)

    Click on the following link to download.

    2023 Team Coastal AGM minutes

  • 8 Jan 2022 07:51 | Anonymous

    Members in Attendance (via Zoom)

    • Bridget Perry-Gore
    • Cathy Butler
    • Chris Wilson
    • David Dunnigan
    • Duff Thomas
    • Grig Cook
    • Eric Nadin
    • Jen Mutch
    • John Parsons
    • Kimberly Whidden (Dudra)
    • Les Suzuki
    • Michael Cox
    • Mike Richter
    • Peter Orr
    • Philip de Leeuw
    • Roberto Henao
    • Teresa Stuart

    Meeting called to order at 7:04pm. Mike Richter moved/Second Philip De Leeuw to accept 2019 AGM minutes

    President’s Report/year in review –Dave Dunnigan

    •  92 Members, 14 new members
    • New Tangerine Level – between Navel and Valencia
    • Great support from ride leaders – met with them over dinner to thank them and get feedback
    • Want to bring back the Blood Ride
    • Found a new coffee shop
    • Had a great Fondo – thanks to all who turned out
    •  Les doing a great job handling the kit
    • Trying to include safety tips/training on rides
    • Focus on Whatsapp to communicate ride status
    • 2021 so much better than 2020 and looking forward to a better 2022

    Social Director Report – Kim Dudra – retiring director

    • Not much possible – did the ice cream ride and Victoria ride plus the Fondo and BBQ in August.
    • Planning for a bigger calendar for 2022 – hoping the safety guidelines will allow events to occur – Taco, waffle/shortcake ride, ice cream, Victoria and Fondo/BBQ
    • Cross border too?
    • Holiday party – January 2022

    Treasurer’s Report – Cathy Butler

    Events include the subsidy of Ferry for Victoria trip and Club Fondo.  Gifts include the money members redeemed with purchases at South Shore.  Computer Expenses include a new website.

    Website – Kim Dudra

    • Mainly for registration and kit purchase
    • What else can we do with the site
    • Need new photos loaded
    • Believe the site reflects the diversity/culture of the club
    • Manage newsletter from website
    • Also use Whatsapp to communicate about ride status
    • Want to come up with a way to only use this as an ‘exception’ rather than a weekly update –
    • Website has been a bit neglected due to Covid – refresh into 2022

    Team Kit – Les Suzuki

    • Due to supply chain issues, order took longer than expected
    • South Shore covered 20% of order due to an issue with billing
    • Well stocked for any size going into 2022 – kit is available
    • Also vests, leg/arm warmers and jackets – in addition to shorts/jersey

    New Business – Dave Dunnigan

    • Leave fee structure as-is – in good financial situation
    • Stickers for helmets seem to work
    • Give website a refresh
    • Use set routes for ‘main’ rides
    • Ride leaders get paid Strava to manage ride routes – feel it to be  good investment  
    • Dave Dunnigan moves/ Mike Richter seconds that Team Coastal cover the cost of Strava membership for ride leaders
    • Thanks given to Kim Dudra for her hard work as Social Director – been a challenging year – sad to lose you to Penticton.

    Proposed Board 2020-2021 members

    • Roberto Henao – past president
    • Dave Dunnigan – President
    • Mike Richter – Vice President
    • Chris Wilson – Secretary
    • Cathy Butler – Treasurer & Registrar
    • Bridget Perry-Gore – Social Director
    • Les Suzuki – Clothing Coordinator

    No challenges or other nominations

    Moved Eric Nadin/Teresa Stuart Seconded to accept the board nominations – unanimously.

    Thanks given to – Cathy Butler, Kim Dudra, ride leaders, Bridget for stepping up as social director, Les, Roberto and Mike Richter.

    Meeting closed at 7:51pm – motion by Mike Richter /Seconded by Roberto Henao

  • 3 Dec 2020 20:01 | Kimberly Whidden

    Members in Attendance (via Zoom)

    • Cathy Butler
    • Chris Wilson
    • David Dunnigan
    • Duff Thomas
    • Edward Dillon
    • Eric Nadin
    • Jennifer Adams
    • Kimberly Whidden
    • Les Suzuki
    • Martin Kastelein
    • Roberto Henao
    • Sean Oliver
    • Teresa Stuart

    Meeting called to order at 7:01pm. Chris Wilson moved/Second Roberto Henao to accept 2019 AGM minutes

    President’s Report/Year in Review – Roberto Henao and Dave Dunnigan

    • Pandemic hit us hard 
    • Virtually no social activities – no barbeque, Christmas party, etc.
    • Far fewer rides operated – due to health and safety requirements o Smaller group rides operated
    • Don’t believe that any members have been sickened by Covid-19
    • Hard to quantify year due to pandemic 
    • Looking forward to 2021 

    Treasurer’s Report – Roberto Henao and Cathy Butler

    • Healthy balance for 2020-11-19 
    • Most of the assets currently on hand are clothing inventory 
    • Offered lower fees for returning members plus had fewer new members due to Covid-19
    • Invested in new website – biggest expense of the year
    Website - Kimberly Whidden
    • Launched new website – in Q1 2020 
    • Migrated to new system – easier to maintain 
    • Kimberly Whidden currently maintains the site 
    Team Kit – Les Suzuki
    • Still wanting to work with Cap’s South Shore 
    • Want to look at getting different items for the kit – perhaps applicable to the off season

    New Business – Dave Dunnigan 

    • Best case scenario – bounce –back – likely will be similar to this past year
    • Won’t be able to bounce back until a vaccine is available 
    • Plan to keep existing membership rates/fees 
    • Will continue with membership stickers 
    • Still have restrictions on activities, based on Cycling BC requirements 
    • Offering members a Cap’s South Shore credit to be used by end of 2020 
    • South Shore no longer able to offer members a 20% discount due to financial restraints (accessories, never bicycles) 
    • Jennifer Adams offered her commendations on how well the club has been run this past year
    Proposed Board 2020-2021 Members
    • Roberto Henao – Past President 
    • Dave Dunnigan – President 
    • Mike Richter – Vice President 
    • Chris Wilson – Secretary 
    • Cathy Butler– Treasurer & Registrar 
    • Kimberly Whidden – Recreation Director
    • Les Suzuki – Clothing Coordinator 

    No challenges or other nominations

    Roberto Henao moved/Jennifer Adams – seconded to approve proposed nominations

    Roberto Henao officially and formally passes the leadership baton to Dave Dunnigan

    Dave thanked the members for the past year, the board and Roberto

    Meeting closed at 7:49pm – motion by Roberto Henao /Seconded by Eric Nadin

  • 6 Nov 2019 16:30 | Deleted user

    In attendance

    • Cathy Butler
    • Roberto Henao
    • Rob Learman
    • Mike Richter
    • Edward Dillon
    • Les Suzuki
    • Sandy …
    • Kimberly Whidden
    • Fred Butler
    • Sean Oliver

    MOVED: Roberto Henao to accept last year’s minutes.

    SECONDED: Ed Dillon seconded



    President’s Rreport

    Club Overview


    We haven’t increased or decreased the number of rides. Let go of Monday night recovery ride as Tony couldn’t lead it anymore.

    The club feels the membership can continue riding but don’t call it a Team Coastal ride. And we aren’t posting it on the website or Strava

    We have 2 Wednesday rides right now: gravel and regular cross-border. Done informally this side of the border by Bloods.

    Informal Wednesday morning ride. Roberto doesn’t have oversight on that, nor on the Friday morning informal ride as well.

    Roberto would like to get more feedback from those rides, but he would prefer more: how often, pace. David’s are primarily Valencia (or more) and have gotten faster. Turnout is good. Dave Lawrence tends to organize the rides. But Roberto isn’t sure if everyone has paid their dues.

    Saturday ride: Blood, Valencia and Navel. Run all three all summer. Fall and winter are more informal.

    Sometimes there’s a Sunday ride.

    David: some people are creating WhatsApp groups. If they are under a Coastal umbrella, they should be official; they are ad hoc, but they aren’t considered club rides. It’s only a club ride if it’s scheduled and we advise Cycling BC it’s a club ride and that’s what insurance covers. If you are with Team Coastal but someone called the ride it’s not covered. The ones posted on the website are official. The ones called by members are not.                                         

    Ride etiquette

    Respect for the drivers. Sharing the road. We don’t get upset, we don’t yell or curse. We don’t stand to gain anything by arguing with cars. Most seem respectful. Share the road.


    We don’t really have rules, more etiquette. Trevor started a page on the website. We might consider keeping it up to date. E.g. we should wear club kit on all rides. Any votes have to involve everyone’s participation. We would need a survey, bring it back to the Board and make a decision. Dave is in support of this. E.g. a code of conduct. Whether we call it guidelines or expectations, he’d be interested in what other clubs have and doing a survey.

    • We are fairly informal; other clubs are very strict. Some members have come back because they like our club, it’s warmer and more inviting.
    • We could have general principles we can follow and try to live up to them. Expressed in general terms.
    • Ed: no-drop rides – he interprets this as a rule. But within 6 months sometimes the rules are softened. He thinks there should be rules; when nothing happens, they slack off; when something happens, we need rules.
    • Roberto has noticed some people are good at sweeping.
    • If we start formalizing rules, Roberto feels that would be fantastic.
    • Dave: there are ways to express our character as a club. E.g. if we don’t engage in conflict with drivers, or not drop people.
    • Sandy has noticed the sweep is beside him, not last. Sweep should always be last person.
    • Mike: we should limit our group size.
    • Ed: Navel has never dropped anyone all year
    • Roberto has noticed that ride leaders are more facilitators. If someone is complaining they can talk directly to the rider; everyone should speak up. If you’re at the back call it all the way up the front.

    Kit Update

    • Les Suzuki is managing inventory
    • Roberto is talking to Rob Wright at the store and has asked him to take over everything with the kit. We won’t have to manage the money and orders. Pick ups are at the store. Roberto will need to get clarification on this.
    • Cap’s is Trek. Trek owns Bontrager. Bontrager sends everything to store and we pay them.
    • Might extend design to full length jacket and vest, and leggings.
    • Talking to Wayne over the next few weeks

    Webpage Update

    • We will be starting over with a new webpage
    • Have a quote from a professional web developer, front and back end
    • Want to integrate storefront and email
    • Roberto thanked Sean for working with Kerry. Sean will step down.
    • We haven’t engaged with vendor yet.
    • Annual costs include domain, hosting.
    • Joomla, our current platform, is technical and difficult to work with.
    • Roberto advised Kerry to renew domain only.
    • New website will be responsive (will look good on all devices).
    • Quote from vendor: $3,000 for off the shelf template + $1,000 yearly maintenance.
    • We need technical support.
    • We are budgeting $4-5,000 to get it up and running.

    Social Rides

    • Well received, social
    • Biggest event is Fondo; good weather, didn’t run out of food
    • We are unique as a club
    • If there’s interest to expand it please let Board know
    • Victoria ride has been rained out twice in a row. Used to be a 2-day ride, now 1-day for the past three years.
    • We get lots of email from people wanting to sell stuff. We don’t want to associate with any particular charity as a club.
    • Ride to Survive (add in list) we are informally tied to.
    • We don’t sanction charity rides.
    • Ride to Conquer – date?
    • Skagit Classic – May
    • Chukanut Classic – August

    Treasurer’s Report

    Cathy Butler reports

    General fund balance: $43,427

    Registration is down 50 people; $4,165 in revenue this year

    Roberto is not surprised by it: we had a lot of PayPal problems in the summer; webpage isn’t attracting new people

    We had four years of going up. Sean has noticed quite a few go to Lake City Cycling in Burnaby and UV.

    Ed noticed that the webpage was key for him joining four years ago. The lack of function is a deterrent. He can’t say enough about getting page up and running.

    Clothing is $0. We didn’t have any clothing sales this year. We closed the books in September. We started collecting money in October.

    Fiscal year end is September 30.

    $8,005 in kit is now gone.

    The cheque for the clothes hasn’t been issued.

    Capital assets $568. We own a projector, threw out the BBQ. We also have a pop-up canopy, stop signs.

    We had an operating deficit on hand.

    Roberto: we are a non-profit. The cash on hand is high.

    We are happy to entertain spending some funds; everyone has to benefit and apply to everyone. One year we got 10th anniversary socks; water bottles; waterproof jacket

    Roberto made a motion that the club finance up to $5,000 building a whole new webpage (including first year maintenance), and $1,200 in maintenance per year, plus the administration fees.

    MOVED: Sean Oliver: moved to accept Treasurer’s Report

    SECONDED: Ed seconded the motion.



    Fred: do we want more members? How can the website acquire more members? His son wanted to join but couldn’t figure out how to.

    Roberto: the old website hindered payment for example.

    • Membership Fees
    • No proposed increase
    • Waived for those on board and ride leaders
    • Mike suggested that in other organizations, if you’re a ride leader and fulfill those responsibilities you get a refund or credit for next year. Is there a rationale for charging $50 for new members?
    • David: we don’t have people breaking down doors to be ride leaders.
    • Sean: we had an earlybird of $35
    • 119 people registered this year; 140 last year
    • Cathy: people are riding without stickers.
    • Sean: ride leaders aren’t policeman. Hard to enforce.
    • David: we might need a discussion around ride leader responsibilities
    • Sandy suggested if you see someone without a sticker, you should ask, call them out
    • Roberto: not up to the ride leaders
    • Some talk about hiring an expert for ride leader training
    • Roberto thanked ride leaders: (slide)

    New Business

    • Rob wants our club involved more with Cap’s (our sponsor). He wants to give us discounts to everything except bicycles and a few exceptions. He said some members were expecting discounts. Special Team Coastal nights. Mike: best way is to have ride from store – take back Monday nights. Dave: that store has been a good support. You get discounts on parts. 20% discount. Sandy: used to be a more of North Delta club. Sean: it’s problematic now. More of a South Surrey club. Sandy: if he was the point of contact for clothing, it would drive traffic there. Ed, Les and Roberto to talk to Rob. Fred finds Michael fabulous.
    • Roberto introduced current board members.
    • Dave signed up as VP last year. He has noticed there’s no succession plan. No process for how long you’re in it (terms). E.g. VP – president – past president with set terms. Dave says Roberto has done fantastic. He and Mike want to propose: you have a member at large, so you’re looking at a person who will move through the process. Dave would like to see a succession plan. Won’t put his name forward now.
    • What happens if no one steps up? Roberto is ok doing one more year as president, but needs someone to shadow. He feels he is running out of ideas to make it better. We’ve tried time trials, ladies only, formalized rides: some worked, some don’t. if he can’t think of anything new to make it better, then he wants to pass it on.
    • Chris Wilson files the registries and email blasts. Cathy Butler is treasurer. Kim Whidden has taken on Social Director. Les Suzuki has taken on clothing. Roberto thanked Sean Oliver for his help with the web.
    • We will have vacancies. Web liaison
    • Roberto: is there a challenge to any board members?


    MOVED: Roberto HENAO to accept nominated board members.

    SECONDED: Mike Richter seconded it. All in favour: unanimous. Passed.

    MOVED: Sandy that we add a Member at Large to the Executive



    Nominated: Sandy nominated Mike Richter

    Unanaimously approved

    Rob suggested a title change for clarity of roles. David said not necessary maybe

    • Dave feels we need more board meetings face to face.

    Other Business

    Christmas party is Friday, January 17 at The Bennett. They know us and treat us well.

    David: we could get someone in for some training, safety. Maybe do a ride leader event, training. We could offer a road rider introductory course. Sean used to do that on Thursday nights. Learn to rides.

    We might not have any certified courses – Shane?

    We had talked about a junior program.

    Mike made a motion to adjourn.

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